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Sama Jashnani

Sama Jashnani is the Co-Founder and CEO at DownToDash, an app to meet people based on activities. She has been featured in TEDx, Forbes, HuffPost, Inc and Entrepreneur Elevator Pitch. She also received a full scholarship to study at Warwick Business School for her Masters in Marketing and Strategy. While at college, Sama co-founded a social enterprise that helped rural women in India provide home salon services that enabled them to become financially secure. DownToDash is an app to meet people based on activities. The lockdown and social distancing made us pivot and adapt to the current situation by moving these activities and events online. We see this as an opportunity to connect people during this isolating time. Here is an example of a Venture Capital Panel event that we hosted. We host Zoom events almost every day and people have loved how we do one-on-one networking and breakout sessions with smaller groups on Zoom.



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Global Hills Group, LLC.

420 Lexington Avenue, 3rd Floor, Office 327

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