So what is it exactly that differentiates the ones who go out of business from the ones who succeed?
You may be surprised to find out that it’s really not that difficult to assess the risk and opportunity when making this important decision. For example, if your company invests $100,000 in less than a year to generate $1,000,000 in revenues that is a 900% growth in a significant market with enormous growth potential. And investors like that kind growth potential.
Are your products and services competitive to other companies in the US market? Perhaps, but most of the time that’s not it. Most markets have competition which means there will be opportunity to acquire customers and increase market share.
Global Hills Group helps identify those opportunities be leveraging its deep corporate relationships.
Does the company think it’s a difference of competence of the executives in charge? Although that can sometimes happen it is usually not reason enough for a failed effort.
As a Global Hills Group local partner we provide the company with an interim executive team to ensure our relationships and introductions result in the highest probability of success.
Was the market not ready for the new product? Again, this could be the case in a tiny minority of cases. But rarely is it the cause of a failed market entry.
Global Hills Group identifies interests very early on in the evaluation process to ensure there is interest and long-term growth potential before accepting a company into its program.
The real difference is something much simpler...and it's absolutely in your control and the decision to having a good local partner that gives you an environment to succeed. By being part of Global Hills Group, companies will be given dedicated space that fosters collaborate with other companies to share best practices and meet with prospective clients and investors in a professional setting.
The real difference is something much simpler...and it's absolutely in your control and the decision to having a good local partner that gives you an environment to succeed. By being part of Global Hills Group, companies will be given an entire floor of space designed to collaborate with other foreign companies to share best practices and meet with prospective clients and investors in a professional setting.
The distinct advantage being a Global Hills Group portfolio means there is a shared investment commitment to making your company successful. When you are accepted in the program and our executive team feel like you’re company is ready and we identified the market potential, Global Hills Group will invest part of your start-up cost and prepare the company with strategic business development and the right potential customer introductions in order commercialize your product and services to its relationships. This means the company gets into the sales and commercialization phase within the three month or six-month program instead of years and wasted time, resources and significant operating capital to support the operations towards its expansion effort.
Many large multinational corporations with significant cash to invest have launched countless projects across the company in other countries. Although promising at their inception, some turned into global blockbusters while others failed. In other words, it’s not all about how much capital a company has to invest to make its expansion efforts successful, instead most successful companies have good local partners.
Whether it was a new medicine, a global software roll out or an international HR initiative, we studied why something that should have been a boom ended up a bust and vice-versa.
But eventually it became clear what the teams were doing (or not doing) that resulted in success or failure.
Results show that success was usually not related to product quality or to market need or to which countries it was launched in but rather having a local partner that is motivated to increase your revenues and growth in the US.
One of the advantages of opening a U.S. office is, of course, being closer to American investors. “Investors want to see your face 4 or 5 times to understand and trust you” rather than just acting as what he calls “innovation tourist”. Being able to have a GlobalHills Group as a local partner enables those face-to-face interactions will make it much easier to build those relationships.
It’s important to have face-to-face interactions which may involve grabbing drinks which make it so much easier to establish meaningful connections with important customers and investors. Meeting people in person results in establishing personal connections and ultimately have easier access to your U.S. customers.
As a local partner, Global Hills Group enables our companies to be close to customers, be able to visit them at their workplace, get involved personally, find out what their problems are and what they’re dealing with every day, to really understand them and be able to sell your product or solution that they honestly benefit from. This is what we refer to as a “win-win” relationship.

At Global Hills Group, we bring deep relationship and investment experience that we share with select companies to help in facilitating successful companies in launching their product especially in the US.
The benefit of being a Global Hills Group portfolio means there is a shared investment commitment to making your company successful. When you are accepted in the program and the mentors feel like you’re ready and you have potential, Global Hills Group will invest part of your start-up cost and prepare the company with introduction in order commercialize your product to our network. This means the company gets into the community within six months, nine months instead of trying for years and wasted cash in the process.